Course :
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Keyword :

result : 2
Keyword Suggestions : deadblueparrot(2) nebster(1) livery(1)
No. Course Event Title Comment Keyword CreateTime(UTC) Author
1 Tsukuba Circuit Single Race Unsharable livery I can't stand that piece'o'... But, you've got room to put decals. Finishline climax is ... deadblueparrot 2019-12-21 20:35:49 Zganarell
2 Suzuka Circuit Single Race Muse Nebster livery testing Not my best effort with clean driving nor staying on track, nor drive properly what so ever...Got 4WD, I say use it ! nebster livery deadblueparrot 2019-08-06 13:46:29 Zganarell
Keyword Suggestions : deadblueparrot(2) nebster(1) livery(1)

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