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result : 41
Keyword Suggestions : gr4aston(41) gtel(37) dailyracebquali(14) dailyracec(14) dailyracecquali(6)
No. Course Event Title Comment Keyword CreateTime(UTC) Author
1 Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali 2:11.154, ignore that low growl you hear coming up behind you Ras, its just an FR Aston, nothing to be worry about here! ;) tcrt gr4aston dailyracebquali 2021-05-12 23:39:00 TCRT-Fitzy
2 Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B Quali. 2:11.381, The FR GR4 Aston :), 2 down 1 to go Ras ;) tcrt gr4aston dailyracebquali 2021-05-12 21:29:34 TCRT-Fitzy
3 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B Quali. 1:44.232, Not too shabby after a couple of months away, pleased with that one. gteltcrt gr4aston dailyracebquali 2021-04-15 23:21:47 TCRT-Fitzy
4 Autodromo Nazionale Monza Daily Race Erster sieg erste pole Schnellster in der quali erster sieg in gt sport online einfachwunderbar gr4aston tcc 2021-01-07 20:46:28 Lancerdriver-85
5 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.217, best I could manage, frustratingly 4 tenths+ off optimum, but still an improvement on last time this combo was up. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-08-09 21:54:00 TCRT-Fitzy
6 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.275, 0.182 away from 45.093. Ever wondered what 0.182 sounds like? It sounds exactly like that little tyre squeal in the final corner. Gutted :(. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-08-08 15:47:40 TCRT-Fitzy
7 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.476, exactly 0.5s off optimal, OCD engaged. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-08-07 21:25:25 TCRT-Fitzy
8 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.698, S1 0.25 dn, S2 0.15 dn, S3 0.2up = 0.2 slower than last time. Comfortably 0.25 to come, potential for 0.6 to come :o. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-08-04 08:48:04 TCRT-Fitzy
9 Autodrome Lago Maggiore - GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 2:04.993, scraped in, still a bit in it to find. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-05-27 17:50:30 FitzyWATP
10 Autodrome Lago Maggiore - GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 2:05.216, an FF car she is not, currently inside my target time. gtel gr4aston dailracebquali 2020-05-26 15:22:39 FitzyWATP
11 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:04.614, a veritable cigarette paper. gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-15 02:06:47 FitzyWATP
12 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:04.627, another bus turned up :) gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-13 22:22:06 FitzyWATP
13 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:04.868, turns out 04s are just like buses, you look for 1 for days then 2 come alng together. Suspect theres more to come too as time left in every sector. gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-12 18:54:54 FitzyWATP
14 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:04.929, 1 yr ago I was 2:08+ at this combo, if you told me I could hit a 2:04 and be disappointed with it I'd have laughed in your face. Fast friends TY. gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-12 18:41:10 FitzyWATP
15 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:05.240 - 2:04.423 = 0.817s. :( A bad exit of S3, a slow chicane and a poor final hairpin. Sense the frustration :(. gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-12 00:34:21 FitzyWATP
16 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:05.319, a full 0.820s off optimum, O. C. D. Engage! gtel gr4aston dailyracecquali 2020-02-11 21:48:03 FitzyWATP
17 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:05.433, Decent start, optimum is in the 04.9s so thats the target. Leave it alone Snail. gtel gr4aston dailracecquali 2020-02-10 22:05:46 FitzyWATP
18 Sardegna - Road Track - B Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:25.833, that took some effort, she's no Megane. managed to pull the old girl into the 25s :). Apparently I can get another 0.25s, I don't want it that much. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-02-06 17:59:57 FitzyWATP
19 Nürburgring GP Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:56.894 a full 0.5s off optimum but as good as I could manage. Will just have to settle for a 2.9s improvement from the last time. :) gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-02-02 23:07:13 FitzyWATP
20 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.481, fastest for this combo thus far, 1:45.098 optimum so I'll keep at it. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-01-19 00:53:58 FitzyWATP
21 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.562, 2nd time in the 08s through S2, didn't bottle S3 quite so hard this time though. :) gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-01-14 20:56:18 FitzyWATP
22 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.707, S3 is 0.48 down, it hurts after pulling my best S1 and S2 combined time :( gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-01-14 18:31:10 FitzyWATP
23 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.B. Quali. 1:45.767, Ugly lap and a whole 0.7 off my opti, but its a start. This weeks target is 1:44.999 gentlemen. gtel gr4aston dailyracebquali 2020-01-14 17:19:29 FitzyWATP
24 Autódromo de Interlagos Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali 1:38.542, Ras the idea is to start off slow and build up, you and Snail had me chasing shadows for 6 days! I'm in, finally. :) gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-10-26 20:16:22 FitzyWATP
25 Autódromo de Interlagos Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali 1:38.893, optimum is 38.541 but S2 although my best is still 0.4 off SnR, the .35 is all in S1 & S3. So if I crack S2 theres 0.75 to come. Time to try the G29? gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-10-23 20:46:25 FitzyWATP
26 Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRB Quali. 2:13.381, 0.7sec improvement chasing NWS_Ghostdriver's ghost :) gtel gr4aston dailyraceb 2019-10-01 16:55:32 FitzyWATP
27 Fuji International Speedway (Short) Online Time Trial Online Time Trial FIAManu Quali 1:39.868, of course I would eventually work out how to go faster, after it was too late. Hey ho, guess thats just the way it goes. gtel gr4aston fiamanuquali 2019-09-25 23:24:39 FitzyWATP
28 Fuji International Speedway (Short) Online Time Trial Online Time Trial FIA M Quali. 1:39.997, 0.15 off my optimum so about the limit of my ability, barely a 39 by 0.003, but its still a 39. :) gtel gr4aston fiamanuquali 2019-09-24 22:59:27 FitzyWATP
29 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:07.940, Yessssssssss :) do I care its 0.6 off my optimum? No, no I do not! :D gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-15 23:37:34 FitzyWATP
30 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.014 - Glorious failure, so near and yet so far :( gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-15 23:27:16 FitzyWATP
31 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.077 1 more tenth to find. gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-14 22:12:15 FitzyWATP
32 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.163 - Beginning to think I might actually make the 07s :D gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-12 23:22:23 FitzyWATP
33 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.284 Slightly slower S 1, 2 & 3, normal S4 - Closer :) gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-12 19:48:41 FitzyWATP
34 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.460 Darn Sector 4 Cost me 0.4 :( gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-12 19:19:38 FitzyWATP
35 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial DRC Quali. 2:08.508 Disappointingly Snail is once again correct, slow in fast out is indeed faster than max attack. Optimum now 07.6 - Obsessive mode activated. :) gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-11 21:22:32 FitzyWATP
36 Tokyo Expressway - East Outer Loop Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R.C. Quali. 2:08.636 Max attack in the Aston, 2:07.9 possible if I'm perfect. 2sec improvement from the last time this race was up, so happy :). gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-09-10 16:46:39 FitzyWATP
37 Suzuka Circuit Online Time Trial Online Time Trial D.R. B Quali 2:09.794, apparently I still have 0.7 to find :( gtel gr4aston dailyraceb 2019-08-27 23:13:25 FitzyWATP
38 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial Daily Race C 1:45.489 Flatting the chicane of death. Chuffed as a very chuffed thing. :) gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-08-21 22:38:34 FitzyWATP
39 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial Daily Race C 1:45.683 Your move Mr Snail! gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-08-21 21:20:16 FitzyWATP
40 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Online Time Trial Daily C Quali Small gains 45.844 < 45.883 gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-08-20 21:39:08 FitzyWATP
41 Dragon Trail - Seaside Online Time Trial Daily Race C Qualification 1:45 1:45.883 Yessssssssss gtel gr4aston dailyracec 2019-08-19 21:41:07 FitzyWATP
Keyword Suggestions : gr4aston(41) gtel(37) dailyracebquali(14) dailyracec(14) dailyracecquali(6)

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