キーワード :

result : 3
Keyword Suggestions : firstwin(2) veryverylucky(2) nopractice8b(1) lucky(1) verylucky(1)
No. Course Event Title Comment Keyword CreateTime(UTC) Author
1 サルト・サーキット ポイントレース Super duper fooper luckily fia Lucky + 8ball nopractice8b lucky verylucky 2021-05-13 05:12:22 Ace_Hunter91
2 アルザス・ビレッジ デイリーレース Daily Race at Alsace Id have been happy with 2nd,but a big mistake by ze Germans on the very last part of the race 10 second lead.Gone. Hard luck Fox, you made my day firstwin veryverylucky 2017-11-11 16:30:42 praetorian1960
3 アルザス・ビレッジ デイリーレース Daily Race Alsace Id have been happy with 2nd, but a big mistake by ze Germans on the very last part off the race. 10 second lead Gone.Hard luck Fox, you made my day. firstwin veryverylucky 2017-11-11 16:17:49 praetorian1960
Keyword Suggestions : firstwin(2) veryverylucky(2) nopractice8b(1) lucky(1) verylucky(1)

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